Double Glazing Explained

Double Glazing Explained

Does double glazing eliminate condensation?

Condensation forms when warm air is cooled. In the case of a window, the moisture in the air condenses on the glass forming what can be significant amounts of water.

Where the window has only single glazing, the cool temperature on the outside transfers easily to the inside and condensation occurs rapidly.

When double glazing is installed, there is much improved thermal insulation between the outside and inside. As a result, condensation is greatly reduced, creating a warmer, drier, healthier home.

In a home that has a common level of humidity at 70%, and the temperature of the air inside the home is 20oC, then the following levels indicate the outside temperature at which the temperature of the centre of the double glazing would cool to the inside dew-point: 

Single glass 8oC
Standard double glazing 4oC
SuperTherm™ double glazing -6oC

The level condensation at the edge of the double glazing and on the window frame will be influenced by the material of the frame. Timber window frames are excellent insulators. With our SuperTherm™ double glazing, and a home that has reasonable management of fresh air ventilation, it could be expected that condensation on windows could be eliminated.

Where the frames are made of aluminium (that is not thermally enhanced) it is likely that there will continue to be a level of condensation occurring on the frames. This level will be influenced by management of inside humidity levels and more noticeable in very cold temperatures.

Whatever your double glazing needs are, you can be confident that we will provide the right retroGLAZE solution for your home

Explore our retroGLAZE® solutions

Timber Retrofit

Retain the character & superior insulating properties of timber, upgraded with high performing double glazing.

Aluminium Retrofit

Upgrade your existing single glazed aluminium windows & doors to high performing double glazing.

Replacement windows with new double glazing

Replacement Windows

Refresh and modernise your home with new high performance windows and doors