Double Glazing Explained


Double Glazing Explained


Does double glazing reduce noise?

Unwanted noise can cause a negative impact on your health and comfort. Depending on the double glazing option selected, it can provide a significant improvement in noise insulation.

By using The Double Glazing Company’s SuperTherm Protect, noise can be reduced considerably, resulting in a more peaceful, quieter home. For example, if the original glass was 3mm thick,  SuperTherm Protect™ would provide a Perceived Noise Reduction of up to 63%.

In addressing noise insulation, it should be appreciated that glass is only one component in the insulation envelope. While the actual noise reduction through the glass could be significant, if the walls or ceiling space are not well insulated, then the improvement will be less noticeable. Where the rest of the envelope is well insulated from outside noise, the change from thin single glass to a solution such as  SuperTherm Protect™ provides excellent noise insulation.

Perceived Noise Reduction – compared with 3mm single glass

  • Standard double glazing (4mm glass | 16mm Hybrid Spacer | 4mm glass) 20% 20%
  • SuperTherm Protect (6mm SuperTherm Cool | 16mm Argon filled Hybrid Spacer | 6.8mm Acoustic Laminated glass) 63% 63%

Whatever your double glazing needs are, you can be confident that we will provide the right retroGLAZE solution for your home


Explore our retroGLAZE® solutions

Timber Retrofit

Retain the character & superior insulating properties of timber, upgraded with high performing double glazing.

Aluminium Retrofit

Upgrade your existing single glazed aluminium windows & doors to high performing double glazing.
Replacement windows with new double glazing

Replacement Windows

Refresh and modernise your home with new high performance windows and doors