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Double glazing now available for existing homes in Auckland
October 2008
New Zealand’s pioneering double glazing business, The Double Glazing Company has cracked into the Auckland market and opened its doors (albeit van doors) for business. Company director, and local manager, Dave Morse said The Double Glazing Company brings a unique offering for existing homes in Auckland. “We offer a service of upgrading home-owners’ windows and doors to double glazing without having to remake the joinery,” Dave said.
“While other companies have to re-make at least some of the joinery, the solutions we have developed over the last 4 years provide a superior end result. This means home-owners can have the benefits of double glazing without the new-joinery price-tag.”
Dave and Trena Morse head up the Auckland operation. With over ten years experience in running glazing businesses in New Zealand and the United States, they bring a wealth of experience to the Auckland operation.
Started in 2004, The Double Glazing Company has been retro-fitting double glazing into existing windows and doors for nearly 5 years. The business commenced in the Taupo region following customers’ requests to have double glazing retro-fitted into their homes. Since then the team have worked on solutions to enable all home-owners to benefit from their simple innovations.
And now, as a result of increased demand, the business has expanded into Auckland. Since 1 October this year, renovations and new homes in Auckland have higher insulation standards. Double glazing has become the standard for all new homes and renovations. While new requirements have been in place for the rest of the country for some time, it is very recent for Auckland.
These changes haven’t been well received in all locations. “While some people think that double glazing is not something required in places like Northland, we have already had enquiries from up that way,” Dave said. “Once people realise the benefits of double glazing, we find they become very interested”. Double glazing provides a warmer home in winter, cooler home in summer and controls condensation. With superior double glazing solutions such as Low E glass and Argon gas, the result can be a reduction in heat-loss through windows by over 70%.
Further benefits include reduction of noise from outside, reduced damage from UV light and improved security.
Hundreds of New Zealand home-owners have asked The Double Glazing Company to upgrade their glazing to a standard that is the norm around the globe. Whether your joinery is old or new, timber or aluminium, the chances are you can have an upgrade to double glazing without the new-joinery price-tag.