Our High Thermal Performance Spacer
The type of spacer used in double glazing is key to its performance and durability, that’s why we use high performance, thermal spacers in all of our double glazing units.
As a part of providing the right solutions and superior products for our customers, The Double Glazing Company selects only high performing double glazing.
‘High Performance’ encompasses thermal insulating performance and durability. A high-quality thermal spacer is a critical part of the thermal performance, particularly at the edge of the double glazing.
There are a range of double glazing spacer options available in the market. We select double glazing with spacers that provide superior thermal performance and durability.

Our high-performance thermal spacers have a low linear coefficient of expansion and use high-quality materials that retard moisture ingress. This includes effective vapour barriers and excellent primary and secondary seals. Our spacers are all highly UV stable and have specifically selected desiccants to effectively deal with any moisture vapour inside the double glazing at the time that it is made. While the spacer design, including its seals, is important in improving the durability of the double glazing, we believe that a well manufactured IGU is the primary contributor to double glazing that will last the distance. The Double Glazing Company is the largest independent installer of double glazing into existing NZ homes. As a company independent from double glazing manufacturing, we can select the supplier for our double glazing. We select on quality.

The seal of approval from around the world
Our thermal spacers meet New Zealand standard BS5713 and EN1279 so you can rest assured it’s passed the test for local use. But that’s just a small part of the picture. Building authorities around the world have certified our thermal spacers in a huge range of climates, from Norway, Canada and the USA to Germany, Spain and China. Our spacers all achieve world-class insulation standards and have been certified to meet passive house requirements.
Energy saving performance
Using thermal spacers is a positive step towards ensuring a sustainable, energy efficient future. As up to 80% of energy loss through a window occurs at its edge, our thermal spacers thermally efficient design is proven to be less conductive and will significantly reduce heat loss resulting in less condensation and mould growth in your home. Our high performing thermal spacers will reduce the energy required to heat or cool your home which is great for you and the environment.
Warm in winter, cool in summer
Insulation works both ways. As thermal spacers are less conductive than metal spacer’s, it blocks heat from escaping or entering your home through the glass edge, providing exceptional insulating performance and long lasting durability.